20 April 2010

Metacognition: Jane Eyre

As I read Jane Eyre, I heeded Mr. Allen's advice and took my time to finish each reading assignment. I tried to focus and not rush reading as I simultaneously evaluated and enjoyed the text. I found that taking time to read as opposed to just getting the assignment done improved my ability to take in details and make connections.

However, I noticed that there were times when reading Jane Eyre was quite difficult as the plot lulled and Bronte described scenery excessively. Although I am not doubting the importance of scenery to the story, I've realized an unfortunate characteristic of my thinking that my mind tends to wander during the more dull points of the text.

On the other hand, I do like the fact that I can evaluate the text and even recognize elements of good writing at the same time. It was very well written and I think my mind was very effective in analyzing the writing and ideas of Jane Eyre.

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