11 April 2010

360 degrees: Big is Beautiful

It's a well-known fact that the media displays the "ideal" embodiments of the human being through magazines, TV, movies, and any other mode of communication or entertainment. These "ideal" images are telling young girls that "thin is in" and that beauty is directly related to your dress size, causing many girls to develop eating disorders at young ages. A change in times have altered these images for the new rise of obese and overweight individuals. A popular catchphrase, "big is beautiful," has grown to be a methodology for many, but is it really beneficial?

Some say yes, this new ideology has reshaped the thinking of females to focus less on their physical appearance and accept themselves for who they are. "Big is beautiful" has allowed many girls to realize their inner beauty and value themselves for character rather than dress size. It boosts her confidence and can even improve her outlook on her life. The acceptance of larger people into society has given birth to plus-size fashion lines, now allowing big men and women to dress fashionably, further fostering personal acceptance.

However, this new ideology also excuses children and adults for being overweight. It seems to exempt individuals from the health risks associated with obesity and labels it as something along the lines of "acceptance of individuality." Obesity is a growing epidemic and a serious matter that cannot continue, but now it's ok because big is beautiful. Wrong. Obesity is never ok. It's unhealthy and harmful. Also, the introduction of plus size as a new size for models may even be encouraging such behavior.

But maybe the catchphrase "big is beautiful" provides stable grounds for improvement. It could serve as inspiration to improve unhealthy lifestyles and get back on track to live a healthily and therefore happily.

From any perspective one views the situation, one thing is clear: there is a beauty revolution going on that's reforming the way we see ourselves. Is it positive or negative? I'll let you be the judge.

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