05 December 2009

Blogging Around: Rebekah and Anna

In her blog post, Rebekah gave us a 360 degree perspective of rock and roll music. From a bad influence and the cause of druggies and rebels to the greatest thing ever heard, rock music has been a ground for change.

My comment on Rebekah's post:

Rebekah, Being a rock and roll lover myself, I really enjoyed reading your post. I have also experienced others' varying opinions of rock music, but this post raises many interesting questions. Music is a very very powerful form of expression, and I think that it was the driving force behind many of the revolutions of thought and societal values in the 60s and 70s. It became a strong foundation for many people and propelled their causes forward. With so many effects associated with it, maybe rock and roll did change the world.

Anna's iMedia blog post reflected a new Levi's commercial that went against the norm, was artfully done, and very grasping. The commercial had the underlying idea of rebelliousness that also had historical relevance.

My comment on Anna's post:

Anna, First off, I totally agree with everything you said. Upon seeing these commercials, I was completely captivated. I experienced the same exact thoughts: "artistic; historically relevant, yet refreshingly modern; frightening, yet optimistic." Basically, it was the coolest Levi's commercial I had ever seen. Ever. Also, Anna, stop stealing my thoughts. This post addressed every thought in my head and you even brought attention to the ones that were elusively unaddressable (great minds think alike!) I was so happy to see a thought-provoking commercial with meaning and not a superficial figment of the modern world.

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